

It's great to hear that Naincy Convent has made sports and games an integral part of their education process. Participating in sports and games can offer numerous benefits to students beyond just physical fitness.

As you mentioned, sports can help to build character and teach important values such as discipline and self-control. In addition, sports can foster teamwork, leadership skills, and a sense of camaraderie among students.

The following are some of the sports facilities available at Naincy Convent:

Outdoor Sports Facilities: The school has various outdoor sports facilities such as a football ground, Hockey ground, 2 basketball court, cricket pitch, tennis court, Volleyball Court and badminton court. These facilities can enable students to participate in a range of sports and games and develop their skills in their chosen sport.

Indoor Sports Facilities: The school also has indoor sports facilities such as a gymnasium, table tennis room, Shooting Range, Dance Room, Music Room, Carram, Ludo and a chess room. These facilities can offer students an opportunity to engage in physical activity even in inclement weather and help them develop indoor sports skills.

Overall, the sports facilities at Naincy Convent appear to be diverse and comprehensive, providing students with a range of options to participate in sports and games and lead a healthy lifestyle.